Cemelli De Aztlán 

En su altar, hay flores del jardín del chamizal,

Recuerdos de ceremonias con la luna,

Plumas ceremoniales pasadas por las manos de los abuelos que ahora existen en el viento,

Sobre todo, siempre en su altar, la vela está en fuego, y rezo por la salud y el futuro de nuestra frontera presente.

Coming from a lineage of activistas construyendo otro mundo, she is a living response to their prayer. 

For decades Cemelli has defended the right to exist, the right to breathe clean air and has fostered spaces where we can heal other relationships with each other and the earth. 

She who walks in reverence to the earth and justice, we see you.

Tlazocamati Ceme! 

Nube Intention

I agreed with the intention of carrying a prayer to make visible the invisible. I confirmed knowing we were meeting on the 5th anniversary of the massacre. I arrived to witness the transformation of glass – to morph and be strong and fragile all at once. I came to realize that the breath of our life’s work creates that transformation – at its peak, glowing and expansive, eventually firm yet fragile. These visuals became metaphors reflecting on a day we will never forget. We are both. We are not just strong or not just fragile. We are both all at once, transforming pain and sorrow into a collective struggle for justice, making visible that which is most essential – the invisible


Laila Rajabi