Sarah Renteria
Como flor de ocotillo, Sarah blooms in the Chihuahuan desert.
Living in relation to the gobernadora, inspired by its aroma after a night hike,
Como la luna, ella se llena.
The crunch of the rocks popping off the tires of her mountain bike as she rides through our mountains, brings her sweet neuronal homeostasis, a balance necessary for her to carry out her duties as a mama, wife, educator.
Como una tazita de manzanilla to her soul,
like a salve on the wound,
the desert is her healer.
Her passion is to share the medicine of landscape, by connecting our youth through community gardens and programming to engage children to hike, bike and explore.
Nube intention
As a Steward of the land I pray that future generations develop a deep relationship and respect for the land. May they see their reflection on the needles of the nopales. We too can flourish on this arid land.